I´m getting told off for neglecting this blog but here we are again and i´ll try to put you up-to-date on happenings here in Northern Spain.
First let me tell you it hasn´t been up to other years but it´s been enjoyable. As I mentioned earlier on,Summer was great.Warm,rainy and not as hot as usual,so my favourites were in abundance; cantharellus cibarius,tubaeformis,litescens and craterellus cornucopioides.In fact, taking away The horn of plenty,the others stayed on until almost Xmas!
It´s funny with Chanterelles,in the Summer they´re much smaller and with a robust flavour whereas by Novembre their size can be impressive and with that apricot flavour and a bit more chewy.
I never dry them them now but the others before-mentioned have dried better than ever.
Next day i´ll go on to Lactarius and Boletus and how we got so let down.