I thought i´d get down to bring you up to
date on life up here in rainy Asturias,beginning with a very useful Xmas
present from my children. They,ve tried my dehydrated mushrooms over he years with their favourite being the ground-up
boletus flour.
So i now have a Rommelsbacher food dehydrator,model DA750 and experiments
are the order of the day.I´ve dried morels and St George´s and they seem to be
o k but now i´m drying stawberries, cherries and i´m now trying figs.
The only problem i have is it´s a bit too big,if you´re starting out,buy a
smaller model.
Spring has been really positive on foraging,in March we began with morels,pine boletus in May as well as russulas (virescens and vesca), believe it,bug-free and now timidly getting chanterelles due to dry spells and hot weather.
Spring has been really positive on foraging,in March we began with morels,pine boletus in May as well as russulas (virescens and vesca), believe it,bug-free and now timidly getting chanterelles due to dry spells and hot weather.
Therefore in the mushrooming world,Summer will be holiday time except for
get-togethers over a few wines or a bottle of local cyder chatting about plans
for Autumn.
Even so,i´ve made wild cherry brandy,raspberry and strawberry vinegar and raspberry liqueur.
Even so,i´ve made wild cherry brandy,raspberry and strawberry vinegar and raspberry liqueur.
Hopefully this weekend i´ll pick the first gooseberries and i´m going to try
for the first time to make goosegog chutney.
I wish you all a very FRUITFUL Summer.