We've been spending the last 2 weeks going down to Leon province,mainly for Boletus Pinicolas,but we've given up at long last due to the fact that more than 90 per cent are full of bugs!
Where we've been,you can find on google map-San feliz de las lavanderas(Leon), Campo Sagrado(Leon) and varios forests around La Vecilla de Curueño(Leon). Now we'll back mushrooming in Asturias,not so many klms to travel and the food is even better!
So,foraging in oaks,chestnuts,birch,beech and pastures. Prime objective is Cantharellus Cibarius (Chanterelle), then, Amanita Rubescens and we mustn't forget the Fairy Ring Marasmius, plentiful in early summer.
And in the kitchen? Well first,Chanterelle liqueur,from my great-aunt's recipe, perhaps a chanterelle pizza for the youngsters and also some caramelled mushrooms and who knows what else!
Let me know if you would like any of these recipes and i'll be pleased to put them on the blog.

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