So a good lunch, great company and a good harvest, but Juan, as usual wanted another go at the big river. So away we go to an area of the river which flooded a couple of months ago.  We began to get more morchellas but, to our surprise, we began to find on fallen trunks and bushes an  enormous amount of auricularia judae. I and Juan know this mushroom well, but Jose Manuel had never seen so many at one time.
It’s a fungus that is nearly always found on the dead branches of elder trees especially after heavy rains-this being the case, so they both were busy with their cameras while i was busy harvesting. The jelly ear or jew’s ear as it is often called-after the unlikely story that Judas Iscariot hanged himself on an elder tree-they are too springy for that grim purpose.
Therefore, more next day on drying and cooking these beautifull little mushrooms and more about our next forays after Saint George’s mushrooms and other Spring specials. 
Ken Pettit.

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