Macrolepiota Procera (Parasol)

Driving along the country roads in Asturias during the Autumn, one sees from a distance, these stately and enormous mushrooms, an exciting moment!
An excellent edible, at least four star taste, with a smell of warm milk and a hazelnut taste, one is in for a treat if you cook them properly.
I discard the stalks, brush the caps well, cut off the “nipple” or bump and the I’m ready for action.
 We need:
Large firm open Parasols
Plenty of oil for frying is a deep saucepan
Flour, egg and breadcrumbs
Salt and pepper

Break the caps in pieces, salt and pepper, dust in flour, dip in the beaten egg and cover really well with breadcrumbs. Drop into the really hot oil for around three minutes or until a lovely golden brown. Then drain on kitchen paper and continue until all the parasols are cooked.
I usually make up my own mayonnaise with a touch of squeezed garlic, also Maldon salt and lemon halves for squeezing over. Ah, don’t forget those wonderful hot buttered bread rolls!

By Kenneth

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